The website, has been advertising order doubling as a spring clearance sale recently, so I took this opportunity to try a new concealer shade. I called the company and they were willing to send me one light and one medium concealer for the regular price of one concealer. I have reviewed the Duo-Phase Hydrating Concealer in the past and it is my favorite concealer of all time, but I always wanted to try to Medium to see how it compares to the light. I got my order in the mail today and it came with this letter:
It appears that at some point this spring Christopher Drummond Beauty will become Hynt Beauty. The website is already up,, but it doesn't have a lot of information yet. In the meantime you may be interested in stocking up on Christopher Drummond products while the sale is still going!
And here is the concealer comparison:
Duo-Phase Concealer Medium (top) Light (bottom) no flash
Duo-Phase Concealer Medium (top) Light (bottom) with flash
And here's both shades blended together a bit on my hand
In any event, Christopher Drummond continues to have excellent customer service. They are replacing my leaking medium concealer and have assured me that the concealer formula will not change during the rebranding! The price of the concealer from Hynt Beauty is expected to be $24 (It is currently $22.50 from Christopher Drummond).
Are you excited about the rebranding of Christopher Drummond Beauty? Tell me what you think!
I probably have one more day before Zoya Alexa starts chipping...
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I'll leave you with a photo from the Pixies show I went to in Charleston last Monday!