In the Mail: The All Natural Face January Beauty Box: Sparkle On!

Monday, February 16, 2015 - Posted by Unknown at 1:43 PM
This is a Valentine's Day themed box, but it's also a sparkle themed box.

Pandora's Box Massage Oil & Personal Lubricant, Vegan Lipgloss Peppermint Icing, Vegan Tinted Moisturizing BB Cream, Fairy Dust Vegan Shimmer Powder, Nights in White Satin Luv That Color! Nail Polish, heart ornament

Pandora's Box Massage Oil & Personal Lubricant 2 oz.  - I'm pretty sure this is just a bottle of fractionated coconut oil. I've bought fractionated coconut oil before to press eyeshadow and this seems to be the same thing. Coconut oil is the only listed ingredient. ($7.50 value)

Fairy Dust Vegan Shimmer Powder - This is so pretty, which is why I'm really sad that the jar is crushed! I will figure out how to use this though because it is gorgeous. I did write to The All Natural Face and will update this post if I am able to get this product replaced. ($10 value)

Fairy Dust Vegan Shimmer Powder

Vegan Lip Gloss Peppermint Icing, Fairy Dust Vegan Shimmer Powder, Vegan Tinted Moisturizing BB Cream

Peppermint Icing Lip Gloss - This is very similar to the Moisturizing Flavored Vegan Lip Gloss Peppermint from the December box. The flavor seems the same to me and the big difference is that gloss was completely clear whereas this gloss is clear with fine shimmer. I like the shimmer in this gloss. Unfortunately glosses in tubes with wands gross me out because I'm a big germophobe. I used the last gloss about 3 weeks before I got a cold and decided I was done with it. In an effort to avoid getting germs in this gloss I swatched it above using a q-tip. This seemed like a great idea until I tried to pull the q-tip out and the cotton got stuck in the gloss. Oops. So far I just have not discovered a practical sanitary method of using glosses like this - I would love some ideas! ($4.60 value)

Vegan Tinted Moisturizing BB Cream - This is a mini bottle packaged in the same type of container as the Gel Eyeliner Pump. This smells intensely lemony to me, very similar to the way the Age Defying Extracts Daily Moisturizer smells. I don't have the ingredients to this but I feel like it the ingredients are probably pretty similar to the moisturizer. Unfortunately I just don't really think this does anything for me. I put this on and it doesn't look like it had done anything for my face, nor did I find it moisturizing for me. Even testing it on my hand it looks like it adds shine, not color. (Approximately $2 - $3 value)

Luv That Color! Nail Polish, Nights in White Satin - This is a pretty frosty white color. It is definitely frosty, not shimmery. Two coats looks pretty good but I think 3 would be necessary to achieve a fully opaque look. My nails don't look super great in this picture but it will give you an idea of the polish's performance. (Approximately $2 - $3 value)

Luv That Color! Nail Polish Nights in White Satin two coats, no base or top coat

Looks like the actual value of this box comes in at $27.10, with the most expensive product and my favorite of the box being broken. I'm sadly not impressed with this box. The last two were so awesome that this one fell short for me. I am not giving up on The All Natural Face boxes since I have had two fantastic ones.

Am I actually wearing any makeup in this picture? I have Vegan Tinted Moisturizing BB Cream all over, Fairy Dust Vegan Shimmer Powder on eyes and cheeks, and Peppermint Icing Lip Gloss.

Nails this past week:

Zoya Dot & Zoya Ali

And some awesome earrings from a coworker :)